DAAD TU Berlin Summer University Scholarships 2020/2021 for students from Developing Countries


The TU Berlin Summer University will be offering one scholarship, the TU Berlin President’s Scholarship to an exceptional applicant applying to participate in the 2020 TU Berlin Summer Program.

The TU Berlin President’s Scholarship is a scholarship, which has free tuition, supported by the TU Berlin. This scholarship will be awarded to ONE applicant only. Please note that this scholarship does not include accommodation and travel expenses.

All applicants must register online for the TU Berlin Summer University, and pay the registration fee of 60€, in order to be considered for the scholarship. The registration fee will be refunded to unsuccessful candidates.

The selection process will be carried out by the Scholarship Commission of the TU Berlin Summer University.

Application Process

Please read the Scholarship Guidelines carefully and ensure that you complete each step.

You may also check:

Other Scholarship Options

Participants seeking financial assistance are encouraged to check on opportunities available at their home institution, or to look into scholarships provided by third parties, such as the German Academic Exchange Service (the DAAD).


Application Deadline: April 20th 2020.

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