Bayer Science & Education Foundation’s International Scholarship Programs 2019 for Study in Germany (Funded)


Application Deadline: July 14th 2019

The Bayer Fellowship Program targets students and apprentices in scientific and medical disciplines. Its goal is to support the next generation of researchers and teachers as they engage in “Science for a Better Life”.

The Fellowship Program consists of five scholarship programs that offer tailored financial support. Important requirements for the support: The project to be supported must be innovative and international. Scholarships are granted to students and young professionals (up to two years after graduation) from Germany wishing to realize a study or research project abroad or to foreign students/young professionals pursuing a project in Germany.

The Bayer Science & Education Foundation supports students and young professionals that would like to study or work outside of their home country with the Bayer Foundation Fellowship Program, which consists of five scholarships.

All applicants should have a high level of commitment, dedication and an innovative project plan. Scholarships are granted to students and young professionals (up to two years after graduation) from Germany wishing to realize a study or research project abroad or to foreign students/young professionals pursuing a project in Germany. The following application documents are required for the Otto Bayer ScholarshipCarl Duisberg ScholarshipJeff Schell Scholarship and Kurt Hansen Scholarship:

  • Confirmation letter from the foreign host institute/university on the planned project from September 2019 to August 2020
  • A description of the project (duration of 2-12 months) with financial plan within the timeline of September 2018 to August 2019. The project can consist of special study courses, laboratory assignments, research projects, summer classes, internships, Master’s or PhD programs.
  • Most recent transcripts 
  • Any additional documents that would enhance the application
  • Job application photo (no photo of your passport, please)
  • CV 
  • The amount per fellowship is individual, but limited per 20.000€ per request. 

For the Hermann Strenger Scholarship, applicants must submit the following:

  • Confirmation letter from the foreign host institute/university on the planned project from September 2019 to August 2020
  • Most recent transcripts with good to excellent grades
  • A description of the project (duration of 2-12 months) with financial plan. The project can consist of
    special study courses, laboratory assignments, research projects, summer classes or internships
  • Job application photo (no photo of your passport, please)

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Bayer Science & Education Foundation’s International Scholarship Programs 2019

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