Call for Application: 2020/2021 Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence Fellowships at the University of Bayreuth (Germany)

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The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) invites scholars working in the field of African Studies to apply for fellowships in the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies(BA). Funded through the Excellence Strategy of Germany’s federal and state governments since 1st January 2019, the aim of the cluster is to reconfigure African Studies at the conceptual and the structural levels.

The Cluster is conceived as a transformative space for the systematic study of African and African diasporic ways of life, enabling new forms of inter-and trans disciplinary cooperation. The BA was founded in 2012 as a space for engaged scholarship and debate in the study of Africa and is now part of the Africa Multiple Cluster.

In the academic year 2020-2021, the BA offers up to twenty short-and long-term fellowships. These are designed to enable scholars of African Studies to pursue projects significant to the Cluster’s theoretical and thematic agendas while immersed in a vibrant community of researchers from more than fifteen academic disciplines.Fellows will be in residence for periods ranging from one to six months, during which they will carry out their research in an efficiently managed environment with excellent working conditions.

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The Bayreuth Academy Fellows are part of an international group of junior and senior scholars–professors, postdoctoral researchers, and doctoral students–affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence to advance research and scholarly debates in African Studies. They will enjoy membership status in the Africa MultipleCluster for the duration of their fellowship.

Apart from pursuing their research and engaging in informal exchanges with other Cluster members, fellow activities include:

  • • participating in Cluster events while in residence; these include regular Thursday afternoon lectures, seminars, and discussion groups;
  • presenting a 45-minute talk based on the fellow’s research within the BA;
  • attending occasional social events for fellows;
  • optional participation in one of the BA’s postdoctoral working groups;
  • offering of discussion sessions for doctoral students and contributing to existing formats such as summer schools.

In addition, fellows are expected to collaborate with Bayreuth-based scholars, especially by creating synergies with one of the cluster’s six Research Sections. The latter serve as umbrellas for the cluster’s research projects and revolve around specific overarching themes.


Scholars with a PhD and proven track record in the study of Africa are eligible to apply. They may come from any discipline in the humanities and the social, technical and ‘hard’ sciences.

Africa-based scholars are encouraged to apply.

The duration of the fellowship may range from one to six months between 1st October 2020 and 31th July 2021; the precise time period will be determined on the suggestion and availability of the successful applicants.

During the fellowship period, residence at the University of Bayreuth is mandatory. Fellows will be given office space and access to the excellent African Studies library holdings at the University of Bayreuth.

In terms of remuneration, fellowships include monthly living and mobility allowances that may vary according to the fellow’s employment status and accompanying family members, and travel subsidies.

For long-term fellows, the fellowship may come in the form of grants to be used for a “teaching buyout” at the fellow’s home institution. Further information on financial provisions is available on the call page indicated below .

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Should you be interested in applying, please begin by reading the information about the Cluster’s theoretical and thematic agendas available at

All proposals must demonstrate the candidate’s commitment to the Cluster’s aims and objectives and detail the proposed contribution to one of the Cluster’s Research Sections.

The application process is facilitated through an online form that also allows you to upload the required documents.

The application form together with instructions is available at;

The closing date is 30th November 2019, 23:59 CET.

For further information and questions, please contact the coordinator of the BA, Robert Debusmann:


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