LEAP Africa iLEAD Fellowship Programme 2019 for NYSC Members


The programme iLEAD programme is designed to equip teachers and teenagers between the ages of 14 – 18 years; with the leadership, life and employability skills required to transition effectively and effect positive change in their respective societies.

The iLEAD Programme is LEAP Africa’s platform for equipping Senior Secondary Class 1 (SS1) students in public schools with the leadership and life skills required for them to cope with life’s challenges and support them to engage in community development projects that would improve the lives of people in their communities.

The programme often runs for a period of one academic year (first, second and third term) and has the following core components: Trainers Selection, Training of Trainers (ToT), Curriculum Delivery, Career Counseling, Internship for student beneficiaries and Change Project. Trained teachers deliver training modules to students for about 90 minutes on a weekly basis for two terms.

Volunteers on the programme will be required:

– Support teachers and facilitate the iLEAD modules during the curriculum delivery phase
– Monitor and submit weekly progress reports (virtually) on on-going project activities in the school
– Engage with critical stakeholders during the implementation of the change projects

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To achieve the objectives of this programme, we require Volunteers that:

– are models of integrity within the school and society
– show great passion and enthusiasm for youth and social development
– are sociable, youthful and can relate well with students
– have an excellent record of leadership and outstanding moral standards

As a fellow/volunteer on this programme, you’ll have access to;
– world-class training to improve your employability, leadership and entrepreneurial skills
– our alumni network with seasoned professionals and mentors

The officer-in-charge can be reached via email at demenahor@leapafrica.org if you have any question.


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