International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Graduate Fellowship 2020

international livestock research institute

The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) works to improve food and nutritional security and reduce poverty in developing countries through research for efficient, safe and sustainable use of livestock.

It is the only one of 15 CGIAR research centers dedicated entirely to animal agriculture research for the developing world. Co-hosted by Kenya and Ethiopia, it has regional or country offices in East, South and Southern Asia as well as Central, East, Southern and West Africa.

Animal and Human Health program seeks to effectively manage or eliminate livestock, zoonotic and food-borne diseases that matter to the poor through the generation and use of knowledge, technologies and products, leading to higher farmer incomes and better health and nutrition for consumers and livestock.

About the position

The fellow will be hosted by the Animal and Human Health Program at ILRI. He/she will support a range of research project within the veterinary public health domain. The nature of the work will depend on the projects that he will effectively support, but these are likely to include:

  • Data analysis for past projects: Safe food, fair food Cambodia; mPig; cow killer (multi-pathogen cattle exposure survey), and others
  • UrbanMarkets: pull-push project: value chain mapping (poultry and vegetable value chains) in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso
  • TARTARE project: estimation of foodborne related health burden
  • A detailed plan of activities will be developed upon arrival to ILRI and revised every 3 months to accommodate changes in the ongoing projects.

Key responsibilities

The fellow will be assigned specific responsibilities within each of the projects. These will include:

  1. Supporting design of research projects
  2. Data analysis and report/publication writing
  3. Work with national and international partners towards the achievement of the project objectives
  4. Give seminars and presentations within ILRI as agreed
  5. Support, within his capacities, the capacity development of junior research staff in the program.
  6. Deliver in all pre-agreed deliverables based on the plan of activities developed at the beginning of the fellowship.

You may also check:

Required Qualifications

  1. Currently pursuing a PhD in related field OR affiliated to a research institution, academia, national program.
  2. DVM and a MSc in epidemiology, public health or related field.
  3. Proven strong quantitative skills.
  4. Proven experience on organizing and conducted field epidemiological studies.
  5. Interest in working in low- and middle-income countries.
  6. Experience in qualitative data analysis will be an advantage

Location: Nairobi, Kenya (one) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (one)

Duration: 12 months

Terms of appointment and stipend:

This is an appointment for 12 months. Start date will be agreed with the selected candidate, but ideally from February onwards.

Benefits: ILRI will offer a stipend to cover living expenses in the project location, medical insurance and cover research expenses. The successful candidate will be required to acquire and show proof of travel insurance before the commencement of the fellowship, where applicable.

Applications should be made to the Head of Capacity Development through ILRI’s recruitment portal on or before 15 Jan 2020The position title and reference number GF/ILRI/AHH/11/2019 should be clearly marked on the subject line of the cover letter.


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