UNFCCC CTCN/SeedStars Climate Innovation Labs for young Tech Innovators Creating Climate Solutions

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CLIMATE INNOVATION LABSA project supported by the United Nations & the European Union. Open call for creating technology solutions for enhanced climate action.

Revolving around two three-day online events, one in Africa and another one in Asia Pacific, Climate Innovation Labs will give a chance to its participants to work side-by-side with climate technology experts from small and medium-sized enterprises to explore innovative design thinking tools, flexing their entrepreneurial muscle and creating solutions for enhanced climate action.

Be part of the change you want to see in the world. The solutions will support the work of industrial SMEs to develop and adopt environmentally sound technologies 
by identifying synergies with the CTCN’s work.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Between 20 and 30 years old
  • Fluent in the English language
  • Attending or have completed higher education
  • Aspiring or early-stage entrepreneurs or students interested in launching an idea on climate change and building entrepreneurial muscle
  • Passionate about solving climate technology needs and challenges in Africa or Asia Pacific, especially those listed in the focus challenges below

Focus Challenges

You will have the opportunity to work with climate technology experts on one of these challenges.

Climate change effects

Drought, floods, deforestation, heatwaves, landslides

  • Access to capital and partnership
  • Lack of human resources knowledgeable about climate technology
  • Lack of infrastructure to enable sustainable growth in the sector
  • Lack of awareness about the impact of climate change
  • Access to raw materials and equipment to build products used in climate change mitigation
  • Access to scientific laboratories

You may also check:


  • You’ll get a chance to receive follow-on support to implement and scale your solution through a 6-8 week Climate Innovation Academy Program delivered by Seedstars.
  • This is a perfect chance to turn your idea into a real business thanks to the expertise and mentorship provided throughout the virtual program!

Participation Benefits

  • Better understand the needs faced by SMEs in addressing climate change
  • Understand how innovative solutions can be a key force in tackling climate change challenges
  • Learn the lean startup methodology and execution of theory    
  • Learn tools and frameworks to build and test, including hypothesis testing with customers
  • Learn how to pitch their idea to a jury and receive feedback from peers & mentors


  • 16 October Launch Of Open Call
  • 5 November Close Of Application
  • 19 – 21 November Africa Launchpad
  • 3 -5 December Asia Pacific Launchpad
  • January-April Academy Program


Application Deadline: 5th November, 2020.

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