The Founder Institute – Sterling Bank Fellowship & Pitchathon for Tech Founders

sterling bank

The Founder Institute, the world’s largest pre-seed accelerator, is proud to offer the best applicants from the Sterling Bank community with the Sterling Bank Fellowship to participate in the Lagos Fall 2022 program for free ($299 USD value).

Through this offer, anyone with a pre-seed startup or an idea can apply to the Founder Institute for free below, and the best applicants who are accepted will receive a fellowship to the Lagos chapter of the global accelerator program.

The Founder Institute helps you get to traction and funding with a support network of startup experts that are invested in your success, and through a structured business-building process that has helped alumni raise over $1.75BN. Through the combined benefits of the Founder Institute and Sterling Bank we create an unparalleled global support network for early-stage founders to impact the present and influence the future:

  • A combined global community of over 15,000 mentors and thousands of alumni
  • Comprehensive education and structured support programs from the idea stage to the funding/ growth stage
  • Over $3M in Partner Deals and Resources 

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  • The Founder Institute focuses on helping tech or tech-enabled businesses at the pre-seed stage, including both solo-founders and teams.
  • This includes established businesses that are pre-funding and traction, MVP and prototype-stage projects, and even part-time founders with just ideas.


Receive scholarships (up to $1,000)Have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to top startup experts. Receive support across important areas like tech infrastructure, market access, legal.


Application Deadline: 30th June, 2022.

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