John Maddox Prize 2022 for individuals promoting science (£3000 prize)


The John Maddox Prize is a joint initiative of the charity Sense about Science and the leading international scientific journal Nature. The Prize has been awarded annually since 2012 to researchers who have shown great courage and integrity in standing up for science and scientific reasoning against fierce opposition and hostility. Each year there is one or two winners, and an additional prize for an early career researcher.

The prize brings into the spotlight the difficulty faced by many who fight to share the results of research evidence, and inspires and encourages people the world over to do the same. The 2021 John Maddox Prize received 136 nominations from 33 different countries.

Sir John Maddox, whose name this prize commemorates, was a passionate and tireless champion and defender of science, engaging with difficult debates and inspiring others to do the same. As a writer and editor, he changed attitudes and perceptions, and strove for better understanding and appreciation of science throughout his long working life.


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The John Maddox Prize: 

  • Recognises individuals who stand up for science and evidence, advancing the public discussion of difficult topics despite challenges or hostility 
  • Brings to attention the difficulty faced by many who fight to share the results of research evidence, and inspires and encourages people the world over to do the same 
  • Represents the fact that we don’t yet live in a world where it is safe for researchers to speak out openly and honestly about research findings 
  • Advocates positive change towards an environment in which researchers can engage society in difficult conversations about scientific evidence without fear of professional or personal consequences.

The prize is a joint initiative of Sense about Science and the science journal Nature. The late Sir John Maddox, FRS, was editor of Nature for 22 years and a founding trustee of Sense about Science. His daughter Bronwen Maddox is the patron of the prize.

The Maddox Prize is funded by the work of the organisations concerned and by public donations.



Application Deadline: 16th May, 2022.

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