Apply for Commonwealth Youth Correspondent Program 2020

Commonwealth Youth Correspondent Program

Commonwealth Correspondents are aspiring youth leaders or talented writers who contribute their articles, photos and videos about local, national and international issues to the website on a voluntary basis.

Each article is around 300 to 600 words in length, while videos are under five minutes. If an article needs further work to enhance it, the Correspondent will receive guidance from the editorial team to develop the article. The final draft of the article or video is then published on the website.

You may also check:

Each applicant must

i. be 15 – 29 years old. If you are under 18 years old, please ask a parent or guardian to email us and grant permission for you to participate

ii. be a national of a Commonwealth country ( even if you do not currently reside there

iii.attach two (2) writing samples of no more than 600 words each (see below) or a video of no more than 5 minutes in length

iv. attach a good quality headshot (see below)


Application Deadline: 31st July 2020.

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